Interested in joining our community of iconic brands?

Iconically makes it easy for you to discover and collaborate with high-quality, commission-based content creators ready to promote your Amazon products.

We are fully integrated with the leading Amazon affiliate networks via Amazon Direct, which means your tracking, reporting and payments stays exactly the same.

How it works?

If your brand is subscribed to one of our partner networks and the product meets our ranking and commission criteria, Iconically will automatically create campaign auctions that our creator community can competitively bid on at no additional cost to your brand. When a creator's bid is below your set commission rate, it's automatically accepted, and Iconically keeps the difference.

Your brand can also sign-up for an account and manage your own campaigns directly in exchange for providing product samples to creators you select. You’ll be automatically notified once your picks post content and have full rights to use it as you wish. We use the affiliate partner network you’re subscribed to for tracking performance of each post and facilitating commission payments to creators.