Name Ahna Bali
Ethnicity Other, Multi Racial
Residence Florida
Employment Status Full-time Influencer
Amazon Associate No
Preferred Contact Instagram

Follower Demographics

Age 45-54
Geography North America
Business Category Beauty & Personal Care
Engagement Rate greater than 10%
Reach Micro-influencer: 10K–100K followers

Ratings & Reviews

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Total Reviews: 2

Average Rating: 5

Review 1 of 2 by Iconically (Brand)

Rating: 5

Review 1 of 2 by Iconically (Brand)

Review 2 of 2 by Iconically (Brand)

Rating: 5

Ahna gives great life advice and specializes in teaching mid-life career shifters how to monetize on socials and retire early. She is a delight to partner with!

Review 2 of 2 by Iconically (Brand)


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